Friday, April 18, 2008

Running Around and Women these days

Work was a little bit bothersome today. The company I work for makes a wide array of electronic devices. Everything that is designed has to be documented so that it can be referenced and all kind of legal things are covered. Well someone did a pretty bad job on the unit I am working on. I spent a couple of hours trying to fix a design problem that eventually was scrapped. So I wasted 2 hours of work and then I had to redesign everything. Luckily I was only working until lunch today because its an off Friday. Sometimes people should just do a good job the first time so that productivity is not wasted trying to fix stupid errors.

On a happier note, I started my half marathon training program today. I went online and found some interesting programs and then decided to make my own for simplicity. Since I was feeling sore from the last two days I decided that today would be an "active recovery" run. I ran five miles at about 8:00 min pace in order to prevent any over training. It didn't work because every time someone ran by me I would keep up with them until I brought myself back down (or just really couldn't keep up because they were too fast).

I ran at the beach in order to have a great view while I ran to help with my mental state. All of the eye candy was also a way to get me through the mileage. There are also some things that I noticed among women these days. As much as we see 12 year olds try to dress older, today I saw older women trying to dress like they were still in their twenties and it was not pretty. I don't understand why some women just don't know how to be beautiful. Why do they feel like showing off a little more skin then they should will make them seem more attractive? I completely understand that women have a harder time to address their appearance but I feel like some of them are just going about it the wrong way. I will break it down from a guy's perspective: HOOCHIE MAMA DOES NOT EQUAL ATTRACTIVE!! When guys are in a group we always talk about hot girls passing us by. The girls that get the positive feedback are the fashionable conservative types that know how to be "beautiful." It can be from wearing the right pair of jeans that show a little of what you're working with or putting on a touch of make up to show off your pretty eyes. You will then be more likely to have regular decent guys come up to with a mindset of getting to know you not have "hot pockets." Walking around half naked will give you negative feedback and then guys will approach you in "predatory" way. Personally I am more attracted to the conservative dressing individual who has an aura of sexiness and sophistication. Hopefully this was an informative entry and you can walk away with some wealth of knowledge. Again I am just trying to do my part in making this a better world.
Sempre Fi, Army Strong, can't we all just get along?

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